Monday, May 25, 2020
Success of the Roman Army Essay examples - 1650 Words
The empire that the Roman’s built can be argued to have been the greatest in world history. The Roman Empire controlled the largest land area in European history and influenced a huge region, acting as a cultural center for the entire continent of Europe. Their strength derived from their prowess and skill on the battlefield. The Roman Army was extremely effective and became the basis of our military structure today by utilizing technological advances in strategy and weaponry, and simply having more discipline. During their time, the strategy the Roman’s employed was second to none. The success of their strategy started with the Roman’s separating their armies into smaller, more specific types. They used many different types of infantry†¦show more content†¦What the hastati and velites did was prepare the enemy to be attacked by the next wave of their army, the principes. The principes were mainly middle-aged men, which employed more experience and higher quality weapons. They could afford slightly better equipment than both the hastati and velites, since they were in a wealthier class. Principes charged into the enemy as they were trying to recuperate from being attacked with the pilum, and more often than not would quickly force them to retreat (Roman Empire Wars). The most experienced and wealthiest men often made up the triarii. They spent most of their time at the back of the army and only went into battle, only if there was no other option. If the principes required assistance, they would fall back and allow the triarii to advance. Since they were in the wealthiest class, the triarii were equipped with the most expensive equipment, including mail, a bronze helmet, a scutum, and a short thrusting spear (Burns). With the enemy already wounded, combined with experience of the triarii, it was often an easy victory. The demand for troops caused a dangerous low in the number of workingmen for the Roman’s (Rosenstein). 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