Thursday, May 14, 2020
Dbq French Revolution - 815 Words
During the period 1789-1806, one of the unusual manifestations of the French Revolution was the adoption of a completely new calendar; The Calendar of Reason’. It was divided into twelve months of thirty days each which symbolized their separation from the old style. One of the reasons for the calendar consisted on the rejection of numerous holidays, religious and politic oppressiveness and some reactions included people honoring to the new adoption while other arguing over the cruelty they were brought upon. French needed to break away from the past and start a new history free of the characteristics of their religious and political oppressive past. The reasons for the new adoption of the calendar can be seen in doc 1, 2, 9.†¦show more content†¦The feelings of those who oppose the new calendar were revealed in the Article in the Gazette de France, a government newspaper. This emphasized the cruelty period many went through during adoption. This showed how not every one agreed to other ideas of how to improve the lives of all. The purpose of the adoption was said to be to leave all religious and politic oppression behind and create a new history. The adoptions lead to many reactions to where many disrespected the people with religious beliefs and made them fell as they were forcing them to leave behind their lives and start a new one. To others this was an honor and an achievement where the calendar corrected the mistakes that had been occurring. Overall the succession of the adoption wouldn’t last long before those who oppose confronted those who disrespectedShow MoreRelatedDBQ Essay: Causes Of The French Revolution1043 Words  | 5 PagesThe French Revolution of 1789 had many long-range causes. Political, social, and economic conditions in France mad many French people discontented. Most disaffected were merchants, artisans, workers, and peasants. 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