Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ethical Issue Ikea - 2982 Words
Introduction of IKEA IKEA is a Swedish company producing home furnishing products at low prices to make them affordable to people. The company was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad and kept growing tremendously from 2 stores in 1964 to 114 stores in 1994 to 285 stores in 2008 in 36 countries with an additional 26 stores to be opened in 2009 welcoming a total of 522 million visitors. IKEA’s success story is the result of its founders opening store in 1951 to allow customers to inspect products before buying them, using a catalog to tempt people to visit an exhibition. Its key feature of providing self-assembled furniture starting from 1953 significantly cut transport and storage costs. In 1956, IKEA began testing the concept of flat pack to†¦show more content†¦The way out First we take a look at how the company responded to environmental and social issues when they first emerged. According to the case document that referring to the child labor problem raised by a Swedish television documentary that showed children in Pakistan working at weaving loom, we first look at how IKEA addressed the event according to the case document. It â€Å"sent a legal team to Geneva to seek input and advice from the International Labor Organization (ILO) on how to deal with the problem. It turned out that India, Pakistan, and Nepal were not signatories to the convention†. The fact that India, Pakistan, and Nepal were not signatories to the convention implies it is unreasonable to accuse IKEA of violating the law of child labor. Still, this fact did not help IKEA much as child labor is an ethical issue. IKEA therefore â€Å"added a clause to all supply contracts, stating simply that if the supplier employed children under legalworking age, the contract would be ca ncelled†. The third step was to appoint a third-party agent to monitor child labor practices at its suppliers in India and Pakistan. This third step helped the company in publicity and media, and made things seem fairer from the public’s view. The business manager Barner did some more research about the child labor issue by contacting concerned organizations, such as Swedish Save the Children, UNICEF, and the ILO to get advice. After acquiring some knowledge about the issue, BarnerShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Corporate Social Responsibility And Ikea1695 Words  | 7 PagesThe Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility to IKEA This essay is about the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to IKEA. Corporate Social Responsibility is a broad subject comprising of many definitions. It can be defined as, ‘the social responsibility of a business that encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations that society has of the organization at a given point in time’ (Carroll, 1979). Expectations of society have been the key driver forRead MoreCase Study : Ikea Case Study1479 Words  | 6 PagesMike Borrelli April 31st, 2015 Global Strategic Planning Dr. Neiva Ethical Analysis Essay – IKEA Case Study IKEA, founded in 1943 by Swedish Ingvar Kamprad, is a global leader in the furniture industry. Starting as a mail-order company when Kamprad was 17 years old, the name IKEA comes from his initials along with his family farm (Elmtaryd) and his family’s parish (Agunnaryd). From this start-up that sold mostly small items like pens and binders, Kamprad added furniture to his mail-order catalogRead MoreIkea: Indian Rugs and Child Labor1005 Words  | 5 Pagesthe invitation for IKEA to have a representative appear on the upcoming broadcast of the German Video Production? The offer to have a representative appear on the upcoming broadcast of the German Video Production seems like a total set up. This movie sounds like it is totally geared towards tearing down the corporation’s credibility, etc. If a representative goes, most likely there will be set questions created by the group that made this video in attempt to incriminate IKEA on camera. I wouldRead MoreEssay on Corporate Social Responsibility for Ikea965 Words  | 4 PagesFreidman (1970) defines CSR within his essay in the New York Times as ‘The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits’. He also states that businesses such as IKEA should ‘make as much money as possible, while conforming to the basic rules of society, both those embodied in the law and those embodied in ethical custom’ (May et al., 2007). It is evidenced that Friedman’s definition has conflicted with (Kotler and Lee, 2005) who delineate CSR as ‘commitment to improve well-being throughRead MoreBest For The Canadian Firm Essay1583 Words  | 7 PagesB is the best choice. The firm protects its intellectual property and has the advantage of owning physical assets in the country it is selling. I believe it has the most benefits out of all the options that were given for this particular country. IKEA was founded in Sweden, in 1943, by a 17-year-old. After selling products available to him, Ingvar Kamprad expanded the company to its most successful product, which was furniture. The company soon realized just how in-demand low priced furniture wasRead MoreThe People And Planet Positive Strategy For 20201318 Words  | 6 Pagesusing less energy and water, and reducing waste. Particularly, IKEA aims to reach the following environmental targets by 2020: †¢ sourcing 100% of our wood, paper and cardboard from more sustainable sources †¢ providing 90% of IKEA home furnishing products with documented environmental improvements, covering both resource use and product functionality according to our sustainability product scorecard. †¢ producing as much renewable energy as IKEA consume in its operations. †¢ evaluating the environmentalRead MoreWhat Is Ikea885 Words  | 4 Pagespriorities basically fall into two major categories: price and design. It wants to have the greatest number of people afford, at the lowest cost possible, its good quality and functional products. They put logic in the design of their products which helps IKEA to price lower than competition while maintaining certain quality standard. 1. Describe IKEA’s process for developing a new product. IKEA’s process for developing a new product is not just about changing the physical attributes of an itemRead MoreSustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility at IKEA928 Words  | 4 Pagescustomers and stakeholders. The business approach and corporate philosophy of an organization is easily altered due to economic pressures, technological improvement and stakeholder needs and demands. Going green or being eco-friendly is one such demand. IKEA is among the top sustainability leaders in the Scandinavian region. The company is able to confidently respond to questions of responsibility raised by consumers, employees, and investors regarding eco-friendly products and services. They have answeredRead MoreHeyy1303 Words  | 6 PagesHow different is different? IKEAs challenge to appeal to local tastes globally. Brief information about IKEA company. IKEA is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture such as beds, chairs, and desks, appliances and home accessories. The company is the worlds largest furniture retailer. Founded in 1943 by 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden, the company is named as an acronym comprising the initials of the founders name (IngvarRead MoreIke Ethics And Society1324 Words  | 6 Pages IKEA GB590: Ethics in Business and Society Unit 2 Assignment Nicola Jones Baker Prof: Jackie Deem January 16, 2016 Introduction In 1995 one of IKEA suppliers in India was named for using children for labor in a rug factory. This was alarming to the IKEA Corporation. This news could have been damaging to the entire company if the right preventive measures were not taken. IKEA had to decide on their viewpoint on child labor and then had to make sure that what they did
Monday, May 25, 2020
Success of the Roman Army Essay examples - 1650 Words
The empire that the Roman’s built can be argued to have been the greatest in world history. The Roman Empire controlled the largest land area in European history and influenced a huge region, acting as a cultural center for the entire continent of Europe. Their strength derived from their prowess and skill on the battlefield. The Roman Army was extremely effective and became the basis of our military structure today by utilizing technological advances in strategy and weaponry, and simply having more discipline. During their time, the strategy the Roman’s employed was second to none. The success of their strategy started with the Roman’s separating their armies into smaller, more specific types. They used many different types of infantry†¦show more content†¦What the hastati and velites did was prepare the enemy to be attacked by the next wave of their army, the principes. The principes were mainly middle-aged men, which employed more experience and higher quality weapons. They could afford slightly better equipment than both the hastati and velites, since they were in a wealthier class. Principes charged into the enemy as they were trying to recuperate from being attacked with the pilum, and more often than not would quickly force them to retreat (Roman Empire Wars). The most experienced and wealthiest men often made up the triarii. They spent most of their time at the back of the army and only went into battle, only if there was no other option. If the principes required assistance, they would fall back and allow the triarii to advance. Since they were in the wealthiest class, the triarii were equipped with the most expensive equipment, including mail, a bronze helmet, a scutum, and a short thrusting spear (Burns). With the enemy already wounded, combined with experience of the triarii, it was often an easy victory. The demand for troops caused a dangerous low in the number of workingmen for the Roman’s (Rosenstein). A man by the name of Gaius Marius was elected as Consul in 107 BC, and completely changed the recruiting strategy, according to UNRV History. What he did was give the unemployed a chance toShow MoreRelatedThe Roman Army Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesThe Roman Army The Roman army is still admired today by historians and many others alike. How far advanced technologically the Romans were over 2000 years ago still amazes many people today. They built roads that a still used today, their baths are still admired with many still standing and much of todays archaeology dates back to Roman and Greek principals. The Roman army itself was the most feared army of that period and it too is a cause of fascination. ThankfullyRead MoreThe Decline Of The Roman Empire930 Words  | 4 PagesThe Roman Empire is considered one of the most successful civilizations in the history of the world for many reasons, and because of the large number, the fall of the empire becomes much more interesting. The dominance of Rome at its time wasn t by accident. Various reasons for its success, such as the army, the daily life and the Pax Romana, left a blueprint for how to rule the world. These reasons leave many learners questioning how it could possibly cease to rule for longer than it did. ConspiracyRead MoreHow did the Romans obtain and control such a vast empire?809 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Romans obtain and control such a vast empire? In its time, the Roman Empire was the largest empire the world had ever seen. The fact that the Romans were able to control and obtain an empire of this size was due to plenty of factors, but the main ones are the Roman army, the Roman roads, Pax Romana, the borders of the empire, and the benefits of the barbarians who became ruled by the empire. On their own, these factors wouldn’t do much at all, but such a combination brought great success. TheRead MoreGaius Marius Was Roman General That Lived From 157-86 Bc1261 Words  | 6 PagesGaius Marius was Roman general that lived from 157-86 BC in Rome. Not only was he a general but he also was a statesman. He was from Arpinum, located in central Italy. Unlike other statesmen, instead of coming from the Patrician class he was from the Equestrian order. Marius climbed the roman social ladder despite the difficulty he faced, marking his achievements as incredible. His considerable success, early on in the military, aided his success in climbing the cursus honorum, and eventually reachingRead MoreThe Roman And Mongolian Empires976 Words  | 4 PagesThe Roman and Mongolian empires were among the largest contiguous nations in the history of humanity. The provinces of their empires stretched across vast swaths of the globe, and their dominion included a diverse variety of cultures and people. These nations were able to accomplish this because of certain advantages given to the m by their cultures and value systems. The Roman and Mongolian armies used superior technology, combined with military and political stratagems, to conquer and rule extremelyRead MoreHow the Roman Legion Revolutionized Warfare Essay1285 Words  | 6 PagesThe Roman Empire was the greatest empire Europe had ever seen. To control such a large empire, a strong military is required. The Roman Legion was one of the most effective and advanced armies in history and fulfilled its duty to protect the Roman Empire, its citizens, and its emperors for nearly five-hundred years. It successfully conquered England, Spain, France, Greece, and much of the Middle East and Africa. They were able to accomplish this feat through modernizing old-fashioned ways of thoughtRead MoreThe Roman Empire and Risk1084 Words  | 5 PagesDid you ever think that a simple board game like Risk could relate to something as supreme and substantial as the Roman Republic? The board game Risk is a strategic, turn-ba sed game in which players try to expand their empire and dominate the world. Players hope to gain power by conquering territories and by strengthening their army. To gain land, participants of the game must roll dice and score higher than the defender of the territory. Many times, territory is fought over, but other times theRead MoreThe Vitality of Rome’s Loyal Allies for Expansion Essay917 Words  | 4 Pagesdefeated the alliance between the Latin Cities, which then allowed her to gain control over Latium. From here she began forming alliances and conquered many states in Italy. Through the vital cooperation, attribution to military success by providing men for the Roman army, and protection that her allies offered, Rome’s boundaries were pushed further. Her expansion had spread from her immediate surrounding areas of the Mediterranean until her power stretched out both east, west and south of the actualRead MoreEssay about The Roman Empire979 Words  | 4 Pag esincluded in the conversation is the Roman Empire. With an empire that spread from Hadrian’s Wall to Arabia, it is considered one of the mightiest empires in history. There was no single factor or individual that can be considered to be the driving force behind the success of the Roman Empire. It is rather a success founded upon political policies, military strength and cultural prosperity. No empire in history has ever spread without a great military force. The Roman military stands out as one ofRead MoreThe Fall Of The Roman Empire921 Words  | 4 Pagesthe beginning of the Roman Empire there were two political classes, the Plebeians and Patricians. The Patricians were the aristocracy in society and put all the hard labor on the Plebeians, who were servants to the Patricians. The balances of power in Roman society changed quickly when the plebeians chose to rise up and rebel against the Roman rule. The rebellion the Plebeians had against the Patricians caused a drastic change in the Roman Empire. At the beginning of the Roman Empire the aristocrats
Alzheimer s Disease And Dementia - 1329 Words
We’ve all heard of it. We’ve read articles about it and seen it on movies such as â€Å"The Notebook.†Most of us have family members or friends who suffer from it. So why is it that most individuals still don’t know what it is? According to the Alzheimer’s association, over five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. It is also noted that Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the US, causing more fatalities than breast and prostate cancer patients combined. With that being said, how many commercials have you seen about Alzheimer’s awareness? How many 5k’s and walk-a-thons have you seen advertised opposed to cancer awareness? My purpose with this paper is to shed light on Alzheimer’s and dementia disease and†¦show more content†¦The medical director will look at that person’s medical and family history, ask the spouse or family member for input about recent cogni tive and personality changes, conduct cognitive and physical testing and they generally get an MRI to examine the brain and rule out any other possible causes such as a tumor. Alzheimer’s disease goes through a variety of stages, progressively getting worse and more dangerous as the disease progresses. The first stage is stage one and these people have no impairment. This early in the disease they have no memory problems or at least any that are apparent to their caregivers or loved ones. In stage two, the person has very mild cognitive decline, which many would put along with â€Å"getting older†, these are known the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Some forgetful things that someone in stage two might display would be frequently forgetting where they put their personal belongings such as their purse or eyeglasses. In stage three people suffering from this disease will have mild cognitive decline, which could include problems remembering things or problems concentrating in situations such as a test or during a medical interview. Some more obvious symptoms that a loved one might recognize in stage three would be a personality change where the person seems to want to be alone or withdraw, being unable to recall current events or major historical milestones and difficulty performing tasks such as paying bills or
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on A Feminist Perspective of William Shakespeare
A Feminist Perspective of Shakespeare Although William Shakespeare reflects and at times supports the English Renaissance stereotypes of women and men and their various roles and responsibilities in society, he is also a writer who questions, challenges, and modifies those representations. His stories afford opportunities not only to understand Renaissance culture better but also to confront our own contemporary generalizations about gender, especially what it means to be female. In his own time, Shakespeare seems to have been raising questions about the standard images of males and females, about what the characteristics of each gender are, about what is defined as masculine and feminine, about how each gender possesses both†¦show more content†¦This merging of masculine and feminine in both males and females might help to explain how easy it was for the Elizabethan stage to employ and accept all male casts and utilize men to play strong female characters like Juliet, Lady Macbeth, Cleopatra, and Kate, the Shre w. Contemporary audiences, so set on separating female from male, would have great difficulty returning to this standard practice of the Renaissance. Indeed, both masculine and feminine characteristics were parts of what the Renaissance considered human nature and each gender participated in both sets of characteristics to varying degrees. For example, take the act of weeping. Although both genders cried and were allowed by the culture to weep (think of all the tears men shed in Julius Caesar over the deaths of other men), tears were thought of as feminine but not exclusively female. In Hamlet, when Laertes learns of the death of his sister Ophelia, he weeps in sorrow, with genuine feeling, but exclaims, The woman will be out, meaning his tears represent his womanly part that cannot be suppressed (or repressed) by his masculine strength. Just as the Renaissance defined female roles, it clearly delegated certain behaviors to males. Theirs was a patriarchal society. We catch a glimpse of this patriarchy in a play like Romeo and Juliet with the power of Lord Capulet. Its easy to see that the male had a place and a role to play, just as the female had a lesser place and a role. TheShow MoreRelatedA Feminist Perspective on the Female Characters of William Shakespeare1796 Words  | 8 Pagesat a disadvantage socially, economically, and politically. Shakespeare realized this and sought to bring the controversy that comes with Androgynous issuesâ€â€to life. Through strong female characters and the implications of disguises, Shakespeare exposes gender issues. Many critics believe Shakespeare poorly represents women in his plays through intentional exploiting of women with his boy-girl-boy disguises. When in fact, I see Shakespeare as exploiting how women were/are treated through that veryRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Play For King James I, The Tragedy Of Macbeth1200 Words  | 5 Pages In 1606, William Shakespeare wrote a play for King James I, the tragedy of Macbeth. For the last five-hundred years, this highly regarded piece of literature has been studied by countless students and intellectuals. One of the many methods scholars use to interpret a piece of literature is through the feminist perspective. Feminism is defined as the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men (â€Å"Feminism†). Although one can use a feminist lens to interpretRead MorePower Struggle In The Handmaids Tale By Margaret Atwood1373 Words  | 6 PagesRenowned playwright William Shakespeare, and contemporary novelist Margaret Atwood both explore power struggle from a feminist perspective. Shakespeare in ‘King Lear’ and Atwood in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ explore varying power struggles and their correlation to gender through their respective texts. Shakespeare and Atwood use the genders of their central c haracters to focus on power in historical and dystopian settings. 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By using a Feminist lens, readers may observe the impact of patriarchal society and misogyny on the mind of a young lady doing her best to fit into the role of a Shakespearian-era woman. Women were expected to be virginal, yet sexual, subservient and inferior to men, and possessionsRead MoreIn History It Is Often Taught That Even Events That Occurred1499 Words  | 6 PagesIn history it is often taught that even events that occurred years ago can teach us lessons in today’s society. Likewise, Shakespeare has been around for hundreds of years, there is still relevance to our everyday lives. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and came to be a famous poet, playwright, and actor. Along with the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, he established the Global Theatre on the outskirts of London. First performed in 1606, Shakespeare’s play Macbet h tells the story of a Scottish manRead MoreThe Fight For Gender Equality Essay1357 Words  | 6 Pagesconsidered, the essay will analyze the role of women within Chaucer and Shakespeare s literary work while keeping the historical, Middle Ages and Renaissance, time periods in mind. More Specifically, â€Å"The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,†by Chaucer and â€Å"As You Like It,†by William Shakespeare will be examined. In doing so, the essay will uncover, not only the role of women within the poems, but the feminist aspects Chaucer and Shakespeare contain within both of their poems, and the progressive views certainRead MoreFeminism The Tempest1352 Words  | 6 PagesTempest Feminist theory aims to understand the nature of inequality and focuses on gender politics, power relations and sexuality. To do Feminist Research is to put the social construction of gender at the center of one s inquiry. Feminist theory is about seeing gender as a basic organizing principle which profoundly shapes/mediates the concrete conditions of our lives. In the play The Tempest, by William Shakespeare Miranda is a perfect example of a woman s role in literature from a feminist theoristRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Poetry Of Shakespeare, Whitman, And Rich925 Words  | 4 PagesDiscuss the different poetic techniques, themes, and the uses of language in the poetry of Shakespeare, Blake, Whitman, Dickerson, Frost, and Rich. In one way or another, each of these poets has written poems that contain elements of protest against the society of his/her time. In your essay, integrate the idea of protest with their uses of language and poetic technique. Shakespeare, Blake, Whitman, Dickinson, Frost, and Rich are all wonderful poets of their time. They all had a unique style ofRead More Essay on Taming of the Shrew: Stand by Your Man1402 Words  | 6 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew: Stand by Your Man - The Psychotherapist Perspective         The universal nature of the themes in The Taming of the Shrew,  beg analysis and social critique. This comedic farce, by William Shakespeare, creates an elegant depiction of a modern life and romantic love with all of its masks and pretensions. It is easy to assume the perspective of a psychotherapist while witnessing the drama of Katherine and Petruchio’s love affair unfolding. Concepts like â€Å"emotional
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ancient Roman Civilization And Modern Times - 936 Words
The ancient Roman civilization had many enduring contributions to modern times. Many of the ancient structures survived the ravages of time. This leads the modern tourist to experience the ancient civilization through much of what Ancient Rome’s engineers enduring achievements, namely, temples, baths, aqueducts and roads (Temin, The economy of the early Roman Empire, 2006). Beyond the physical structures that survived the millennia, there are numerous modern cultural influences that are readily seen in everything from popular culture with extensive gladiator movies to the architecture of the nation’s capital building (James, 2008). However, the most important and enduring impacts that the Ancient Roman civilization had on modern times were from Rome’s economy and law. First, it is important to describe why the Ancient Roman economy was significant, why it worked, and how the Ancient Roman economy continues to influence the modern era. Ancient Rome allowed for a high standard of living for her inhabitants as described by classical biographers such as Cornelius Tacitus and Caius Suetonius (Korstanje, 2009). A standard of living that rivaled the prosperity of the Dutch Republic in the golden age of the 17th century which would make the Roman standard of living the highest achieved until the onset of the Industrial Revolution (Temin, The Roman market economy, 2012). Why Rome was so successful is less clear, many still discuss the explanation of Ancient Rome’s success andShow MoreRelatedGreek And Roman Civilizations : Greece And Ancient Civilizations1498 Words  | 6 PagesGreek and Roman Civilizations In examining the impact that the ancient world has had on modern Western civilization, the two ancient civilizations which are frequently understood as having had the greatest influence are Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. These two civilizations would eventually come to shape much of what would become the modern European culture, politics and society, and by extension, a vast proportion of global culture and society. In examining the trajectory of modern history inRead MoreGreek And Roman Civilizations : Greece And Ancient Civilizations1503 Words  | 7 PagesGreek and Roman Civilizations In examining the impact that the ancient world has had on modern Western civilization, the two ancient civilizations which are frequently understood as having had the greatest influence are Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. These two civilizations would eventually come to shape much of what would become the modern European culture, politics and society, and by extension, a vast proportion of global culture and society. In scrutinizing the trajectory of modern historyRead More Contributions of Ancient Civilizations Essay820 Words  | 4 Pagesformed civilizations. A civilization is a community characterized by elements such as a system of writing, a development of social classes, and cities. Early civilizations such as ancient Greece, classical Rome, Mesopotamia, and classical China have made many contributions to society that still affect people in the modern world. The inventions, progress, and contributions of the people of these ancient civilizations and others have shaped the world that we all live in today. Ancient MesopotamiaRead MoreAncient Greek And Romes Impact On Western Literature1642 Words  | 7 Pagesimpact greek and roman culture had on western civilization The ancient Greeks and Romans were two of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world. The two civilizations thrived in their ancient environments which eventually led to a large amount of wealth within these two cultures. It is because of this that these ancient cultures were able to make a variety of advancements in literature, architecture, art and many other fields. These two civilizations also produced some of the ancient world’s greatestRead MoreAncient Greeks And The Ancient Romans1150 Words  | 5 Pages The Romans had one of the most innovative and influential ancient civilizations. Although arguments can be made for the Ancient Greeks and the Ancient Egyptians, it can be seen that the modern world had adopted many of the values and ideas of the Ancient Romans. The achievements, ideas, and values of the Ancient Romans have had a lasting impact on the modern world. The majority of people don’t know that many of the things they take for granted came from Ancient Rome. Architecture One of theRead MoreAncient And Modern Day Olympics1335 Words  | 6 Pageswestern civilization, and it is one of the many parts given to us by Greek and Roman civilizations. The extent at which the various civilizations have been influenced can be seen through the similarities and differences between the ancient and modern Olympics. For example, women were not allowed to participate in the ancient Greek games. On the other hand, many of the events that took place in the ancient games are similar to the ones in modern day Olympics. Greek and Roman civilization has contributedRead MoreCivilization is Connected from the Mesopotamians to the Powerful Roman Empire836 Words  | 4 PagesTime persistently progresses forward unimpeded. With each elapsing second the present moment changes into the past and creates history. History is filled with a plethora of events, people, and concepts that have left an enduring influence. Society has developed many components which became foundat ional to Western culture from the Mesopotamian civilizations to the emergence of the Romans. The contributions of a variety of cultures shaped the course of Western history. The Mesopotamians and EgyptiansRead MoreCivilization Is An Essential Design1000 Words  | 4 PagesCivilization is an essential design. Civilization, to some extent is a prominent basis of cultural and technological progression. It is the rectification of thoughts and manners in society. Without civilizations, the world as we know it would not be. A civilization develops superfluous of things that help the people be a stable community. These build up an outline for the advancement and rise of the empire. Government is also existent in civilizations. Likewise, the Roman Civilization is an essenceRead MoreThe Roman And Greek Civilization940 Words  | 4 PagesIt is truly fascinating how two different civilizations could fabricate almost every inch of society as long as humans can remember for thousands of years into the future and beyond. From the calendar and toilet to modern roads and concrete, both the Roman and Greek civilization terraformed the world and our homes. Both civ ilizations also introduced a wider variety of religion, mathematics, science, art and architecture concepts, machinery, military technology and strategy, astronomy, agricultureRead MoreAncient Civilization : An Essential Design992 Words  | 4 Pages2015 Civilization is an essential design. Civilization, to some extent is a prominent basis of cultural and technological progression. It is the rectification of thoughts and manners in society. Without civilizations, the world as we know it would not be. A civilization develops superfluous of things that help the people be a stable community. These build up an outline for the advancement and rise of the empire. Government is also existent in civilizations. Likewise, the Roman Civilization is an
Dbq French Revolution - 815 Words
During the period 1789-1806, one of the unusual manifestations of the French Revolution was the adoption of a completely new calendar; The Calendar of Reason’. It was divided into twelve months of thirty days each which symbolized their separation from the old style. One of the reasons for the calendar consisted on the rejection of numerous holidays, religious and politic oppressiveness and some reactions included people honoring to the new adoption while other arguing over the cruelty they were brought upon. French needed to break away from the past and start a new history free of the characteristics of their religious and political oppressive past. The reasons for the new adoption of the calendar can be seen in doc 1, 2, 9.†¦show more content†¦The feelings of those who oppose the new calendar were revealed in the Article in the Gazette de France, a government newspaper. This emphasized the cruelty period many went through during adoption. This showed how not every one agreed to other ideas of how to improve the lives of all. The purpose of the adoption was said to be to leave all religious and politic oppression behind and create a new history. The adoptions lead to many reactions to where many disrespected the people with religious beliefs and made them fell as they were forcing them to leave behind their lives and start a new one. To others this was an honor and an achievement where the calendar corrected the mistakes that had been occurring. Overall the succession of the adoption wouldn’t last long before those who oppose confronted those who disrespectedShow MoreRelatedDBQ Essay: Causes Of The French Revolution1043 Words  | 5 PagesThe French Revolution of 1789 had many long-range causes. Political, social, and economic conditions in France mad many French people discontented. Most disaffected were merchants, artisans, workers, and peasants. The ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers brought new views of government and society. T he American Revolution also influenced the coming of The French Revolution. Therefore, The French Revolution of 1789 had several causes not only due to political, but also due to social and economic issuesRead MoreReign of Terror Essay630 Words  | 3 PagesReign of Terror DBQ: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Terror as an instrument of the French Revolution. France was experience a great amount of change in the summer of 1793, when the Jacobins succeeded the moderates in the National Convention. With the radical Jacobins in power, the country was in tumult, and a Reign of Terror ensued due to a law of suspects that legalized local revolutionary committees. Because of this, thousands of people were killed by guillotine or other methodsRead MoreFrench Literacy Dbq Essay6211 Words  | 25 PagesSource: (http://www.fuhsd.net/download.cfm?id=106) Essay Writing Document-based question (DBQ) â€Å"Levels of Literacy†(60 minutes, 1,000 words minimum) Task: Describe the variations in the levels of literacy in Old Regime France and trace these variations over time. Analyze the factors that promoted or discouraged the spread of literacy. Analysis of fourteen documents for the DBQ â€Å"Literacy in France†essay question: Document # 1: Document # 1 was a comparison of the degree of literacyRead MoreAp Exam Essays1660 Words  | 7 Pagescauses and consequences of TWO of the following population movements in the United States during the period 1945–1985. †¢ Suburbanization †¢ The growth of the Sun Belt †¢ Immigration to the United States 2009 [pic]AP Exam Essays 1. DBQ: From 1775 to 1830, many African Americans gained fredom from slavery, yet during the same period the institution of slavery expanded. Explain why BOTH of these changes took place. Analyze the ways that BOTH free African Americans and enslaved AfricanRead MoreJust Whatever1974 Words  | 8 PagesA P European History Test Prep DBQ Free Response Questions For DBQ’s Always: 1. Provide an appropriate, explicitly stated thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question and does NOT simply restate the question. 2. Discuss a majority of the documents individually and specifically. 3. Demonstrate understanding of the basic meaning of a majority of the documents. 4. Support the thesis with appropriate interpretations of a majority of the documents. 5. Analyze point of view or bias in atRead MoreApush Dbqs Essay2248 Words  | 9 Pages2011 DBQ: (Form A) 1. Analyze the international and domestic challenges the United States faced between 1968 and 1974, and evaluate how President Richard Nixon’s administration responded to them. (Form B) 1. Explain the ways that participation in political campaigns and elections in the United States changed between 1815 and 1840, and analyze forces and events that led to these changes. 2010 DBQ: (Form A) 1. In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the politicalRead MoreDBQ American Pageant #3 Essays652 Words  | 3 PagesAugust 13th, 2013 A.P. U.S. History DBQ The American Revolution By the 1750s, the American colonies had come a long way from their original struggles and failures. They had grown in both population and economic stability. Even so, relations between the colonies and Great Britain were strained. The colonists became more and more discontented with England’s control of their political and economic affairs. The colonies were dissatisfied with the rules of British Mercantilism, or the idea that theRead More Sense of identity and unity as Americans Essay622 Words  | 3 PagesAP AM HISTORY DBQ 2- (An A+ Essays Original Paper, written by Zoo Patrol) To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution? Most of the first settlers in America came from England and considered themselves to be Englishmen. At first they relied on their mother country for money, supplies and protection. As the colony became larger and more populous, people gradually started feeling as if they were a separate nation. By theRead MoreDbq: the Enlightenment Essay1184 Words  | 5 PagesParmveer Ratth October 11, 2012 DBQ: The Enlightenment The Enlightenment known by many as the Age of Reason was a turning point in history. Man people believe that without the Enlightenment, many of the laws, and rules would exist. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cosmetic Surgery The Cosmetic World - 1064 Words
Kosmiah Paige Andrea Hudson-Tomblin English 1101 4 April 2016 The Cosmetic World Many men and women all over the world feel pressured to have the appearance of the â€Å"ideal†beauty, whatever that seems to be. Unfortunately, people cannot change their genetic traits that have made them into whom they have become both physically and mentally. Genetics are a factor in why most individuals choose to get cosmetic surgery done, simply because they are not pleased with what they see in the mirror. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve one’s physical appearance. With everything individuals see on t.v and in magazines, media today has such a big impact on our society making cosmetic surgery no longer a rare and concealed condition. Everyone would like a change in some way, cosmetic surgery has its benefits such as boosting self-confidence, career opportunities, and manageable cost privileges. Cosmetic surgery has a rapid growing community, dealing with what people believe they should look like based on what they see on television or in a magazine. The increase in public awareness of the benefits that cosmetic surgery can offer and has mainstreamed today’s society awareness of cosmetic procedures. As stated in the Journal of Consumer Behavior, a survey done by the American Academy of Cosmetics Surgery stated that â€Å"almost one in five individuals (mostly women and young adults) hope to someday undergo cosmetic surgery†(149). Most of the time, feeling the need toShow MoreRelatedCosmetic Surgery : The Plastic Surgery Capital Of The World893 Words  | 4 PagesMany people know that South Korea is known as the plastic surgery capital of the world. Plastic surgery was once a major taboo in Korea, where those who have gotten it done would be looked down upon on by family and friends, but now the pursuit of perfection has made cosmetic surgery much more popul ar and open to the public. About one in five women in Korea would have some kind of plastic surgery done, and many neighborhoods and subway stations are lined with advertisements and billboards to promoteRead MoreSpeech Outline On The Perils Of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1230 Words  | 5 PagesInformative Speech Outline on The Perils of Cosmetic Surgery I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: â€Å"I prefer artificial beauty to natural ugliness†is a phrase that currently seems to be gaining popularity with many girls and women around the world. However, relatively few of them can comprehend the unsafe risks behind the artificial beauty. B. Introduce Topic and Significance: 1. These days, cosmetic surgery has quickly built up everywhere throughout the world. As indicated by a yearly report of theRead MoreOutline On The Perils Of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1173 Words  | 5 PagesPerils of Cosmetic Surgery Specific Purpose Statement: to inform the audience about the negative effects of cosmetic surgery. Introduction: Attention Step: â€Å"I prefer artificial beauty to natural ugliness,†is a phrase that currently seems to be gaining popularity with many girls and women around the world. However, not many of them can understand the dangerous perils behind the artificial beauty. Clarification Step: 1. Nowadays, since the number of procedures increases, cosmetic surgery has rapidlyRead MoreCosmetic Surgery Essay804 Words  | 4 PagesElective cosmetic surgery claims to enhance outward appearances. However, elective cosmetic surgery could be a consequential death wish for young adults. Cosmetic surgery is a well-used procedure that the society conforms to fixing certain physical characteristics. Most of the time, people get cosmetic surgery for medical purposes. If the person is medically well, there is no reason to consider cosmetic surgery. Young adults are still transitioning into the real world. They should focus working towardsRead MoreThe Side Effects of Cosmetic Surgery1325 Words  | 6 PagesThe Side Effects of Cosmetic Surgery Reading and Writing Level 4 Kirsten Ringstrom April 14, 2009 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 The History of Cosmetic Surgery 3 The Trends of Cosmetic Surgeries 4 The Risks of Cosmetic Surgery 5 Conclusion References Throughout recorded history, a pale complexion has nearly always been more fashionable than a tan complexion because pale skin represents a woman who does not have to labour outdoors. So, most non-white women probably wantedRead MoreThe Pitfalls of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1569 Words  | 7 PagesCosmetic surgery has become increasingly more popular. However, many are unsatisfied with their results. Debra Dunn decided to have cosmetic surgery to fix a bump she had on her nose as a result of a childhood injury. After having two nose jobs and spending thousands of dollars, she was so dissatisfied with her results that she was embarrassed when she left the house and avoided mirrors. When she ventured out in public, she hid behind her hair. Although doctors tried convincing her that her noseRead MoreEffects Of Technology On Plastic Surgery1281 Words  | 6 Pageson Plastic Surgery Ludwig Wittgenstein ,a british philosopher,once said, â€Å"The human body is the best picture of the human soul.†Though this may be untrue, or widely disagreed with, it shows that people are judged by their appearance. But what if someone is born unattractive, should they stay that way for their entire life? If there is a cure to disfigurement, does that mean people should ignore it just because it’s frowned upon? According to the world book encyclopedia,â€Å"Plastic surgery is a fieldRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Worth It, Or Not?1384 Words  | 6 Pages Cosmetic Surgery: Worth it, or Not? Jazmin Bencomo Front Range Community College Cosmetic Surgery has been around ever since the early wars to repair scars and injuries. Today, as stated in an article titled, The Risk of Cosmetic Surgery Should Not Be Ignored, â€Å"cosmetic plastic surgeries outnumber reconstructive ones in many countries.†(Edmonds, 2012, p. 134). Cosmetic surgery continues to grow in popularity all around the world. It has now evolved to beautify anRead MoreCosmetic Surgery : Medical Medicine1236 Words  | 5 Pages Cosmetic Surgery Alexis Thomas AHS 128 – Health Sciences Intro Professor Sloan Midlands Technical College - Airport COSMETIC SURGERY 2 Abstract Over recent years, there has been a rising trend in the demand for cosmetic surgeries. These procedures are typically carried out to change, improve, or enhance ones appearance. Cosmetic surgery, also called plastic surgery dates backRead More Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1513 Words  | 7 PagesPros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery is a great discovery that has been around for many centuries. â€Å"The history of plastic surgery origins in the early 800 B.C. when surgeons in India restored noses to persons who had them taken off as a form of punishment.†(History of Cosmetic Surgery, 2008) Many people have used over the years cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to enhance their physical appearance weather it be for health problems associated with birth defect or problems that
Human Trafficking History, Current Trends, And Prevention
Abstract This paper reviews the ongoing crime of present day slavery, now known as human trafficking. With over an estimated 700,000 of human trafficking victims within the United States, this report focuses on the 7 main types of human trafficking, including labor and sex trafficking, common victims, and the history surrounding the prevention of this crime. As with many types of crimes against humanity, this is a behind doors crime; the perpetrators prey on the â€Å"unwanted†or the already missing of society, take advantage of the naà ¯ve, those looking for the opportunity for a better future, and then the actual coercion and force to perform unwanted sexual acts or labor occurs within the privacy of criminals’ home or business. Greater awareness of such crimes may be the biggest tool in their prevention. Keywords: trafficking, child labor, servitude, sex trade, slavery Human Trafficking: History, Current Trends, and Prevention Many people seem to think we live in a world where slavery does not exist in today’s society, however, they would be mistaken. Although not called slavery any longer, there is a subculture of individuals who continue to force others into a form of servitude. What was known as slavery in earlier times is now known as human trafficking. What is human trafficking? There are two main types of human trafficking: labor and sex trafficking (Polaris, n.d.). Although they are both slightly different, both use force, fraud, and coercion in order to getShow MoreRelatedCambodi The Khmer Empire1564 Words  | 7 Pagesthe east, with a current population of 15 Million +, making the 69th on the most populous country in the world. The current most practiced religion is Buddhism conceiving 95 percent of the population. The capital and largest city of Cambodia is P hnom Penh, the political, economic, and cultural center of this country occur. Most decisions regarding political and economic factors occur in this capital. Its governing methods make it questionable factor for this nation, where the current head of governmentRead MoreHuman Trafficking And Its Aspects3369 Words  | 14 Pages Human Trafficking and its Aspects Mariah Crawford English 2020 Mr. Vern Mehr Fall 2014 Imagine being called and offered a job opportunity in another state or perhaps another country. The employer promises you better housing, twice your current salary, and even offers to pay for your commute. Without thinking, you accept because the possibilities seem endless and unreal. You arrive to your new home but things don’t look as great as they were described and suddenly your new kind, charismaticRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United Nations2062 Words  | 9 PagesThe issue of human trafficking and slavery is still prevalent in many parts of the globe and a variety of legal and non-legal measures have been taken to ensure that this problem is adequately addressed. Human trafficking as defined by the United Nations is the transfer or harbouring of persons by means of coercion or deception for the purpose of exploitation. Human trafficking and slavery is an issue that is continually practiced across the world with an estimated twenty seven million people currentlyR ead MoreExploring The Features Of Prostitution And Other Sex Acts3515 Words  | 15 PagesNowadays, one of the main problems of the global society is related to human trafficking, as the physical and mental consequences of the victims unbalance communities and create chaos in the social layers. Specifically, prostitution considered the most exposed facet of sex trafficking (which also includes pornography, exotic dancing, stripping, live sex shows, mail-order brides, military prostitution, and sexual tourism), is often linked to criminal behavior, including petty crime and drug-relatedRead MoreThe Effects Of Pedophilia On The Modern World1578 Words  | 7 Pages12- or 13-year-old. Assessment According to the DSM, subjective assessments for pedophilia include: self-report, history of multiple child victims, and extensive use of prepubescent pornography. Objective tests include psychometric tests of sexual interests and phallometric tests. Published scales include: the Abel Child Cognitions Scale (Abel et al., 1989), the Clarke Sexual History Questionnaire (Paitich, Langevin, Freeman, Mann, Handy, 1977), and the Multiphasic Sex Inventory (Nichols MolinderRead MoreEssay on Human Trafficking: Modern-Day Slavery3573 Words  | 15 PagesSlavery is a modern, pervasive problem. Human trafficking has been found in every state in America (humantrafficking.org). It seems that most Americans likely live within a comfortable drive of someone who is being exploited through human trafficking. There is a growing trend in human trafficking toward sexual exploitation (Bennetts, 2011). The Information Age has helped to create new opportunities for sex trafficking to flourish. Information drives many modern experiences. A wealth of informationRead MoreCriminal Trends2477 Words  | 10 PagesCriminal Justice Trends Evaluation Heather Kyzer CJA 394: Contemporary Issues and Futures in Criminal Justice June 3, 2013 David Sicilian II Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation There is no question that crime has had and continues to hinder society. The criminal justice system is an intricate part of society and is essential that this system remains capable of adequately dealing with the latest crime trends. It was the establishment of the consistency with the Social Commission that theRead MoreThe Factors That Have Undermined The Existing Initiatives, And Recommendations For Successful De Radicalization1723 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen characterized by frequent insecurity concerns ranging from intercommunity conflicts, violence, crime, to terrorism. Consequently, this has always deepened societal insecurities hence deterring the Kenya’s long-term socio-economic growth. The current state of Kenya’s insecurity is jeopardized by radicalization of massive groups of youths in various regions. This paper focuses on de-radicalization in Kenya. The paper assesses the factors that have undermined the existing initiatives, and recommendationsRead MoreC hina s Economic And Technological Development4835 Words  | 20 Pageshard drug usage and addiction. In a span of approximately 25 years, the presence of narcotics and illegal drugs was unheard of but today, the Chinese society and the government departments are grappling with the increasing use of drug addiction, trafficking and consumption. With more porous borders, increased disposable income and increased economic freedoms, drug addiction and its effects have threatened to leave a permanent mark on the Chinese society. According to Zhang (2012), drug consumptionRead More Drug Abuse Among American Teenagers Essay7972 Words  | 32 Pagesparents. Doctors, and counselors can also help prevention of drug abuse. By offering information about drugs, and setting up rehab programs for those involved in drugs. Churches are a great source for help in the problem in drug abuse, they already setup drug-free activities, also they provide youth and families identify and solve problems before they can worsen and be complimented with drug abuse. Local businesses have an important role to play in prevention. Businesses can sponsor programs for the youth
Essay about Jonathan Swift - 1794 Words
Jonathan Swift In an age of where rationality and morals were held to the accepted values, Jonathan Swift stood out as a champion of humanism. All his life he attacked pretense and begged people to see that life is not always what it seems when you look harder and think deeper. In addition, Swift was one of the most powerful writers of his time; able to rally people and nations around the caustic and moral views expressed in his works. His political writings for the Tories exposed the corruptions of government and paved the way for his acclaimed satires. Swifts great strength lied in impressing people into believing his ideals without blatantly professing them or becoming preachy. Swift was raised in Dublin, and was schooled well†¦show more content†¦We do not merely agree with the moral evaluations implied; we have lived, in our imaginations, through a moral experience (Williams 4). Swift doesnt simply tell us his beliefs; he makes the reader sort it out through the context of the story. By placing his ideas and morals upon other characters, Swift himself stands distant from these scenes he writes about. In doing so, he artistically, yet implicitly, defines the interval between the normal and the absurd. We attain normality by guarding against pride, and this we could do easily by observing the distorted figures in comedy and satire (Quintana 39). An example where Swift uses his satire in a crafty, implicit way is in one of his first major works, A Tale of A Tub. The book is about exposing the corruption and abuses of religion at the time. In section VI of the book, Swift takes the form of an earnest storyteller but in fact he is telling the history of the major Christian Churches. The three main characters are obviously personas for the three main churches at the time. There is Peter, who in truth represents the Roman Catholic Church; Martin, who is named after the Protestant/Lutheran/Anglican Church; and Jack, who is named after Calvinism and the other nonconformist Christian religions. Swift, as the narrator, is asserting to be telling this story just like it happened, and not drawing any conclusions or seeing anyShow MoreRelatedJonathan Swift1088 Words  | 5 Pages4. Jonathan Swift (1667â€â€1745) the foremost prose satirist in the English language His Writing The Battle of Books (1704) A Tale of Tub (1704) the Drapier’s Letters (1724) Gulliver’s Travels (1726) A Modest Proposal (1729) Gulliver’s Travels a collection of tales tied together by Gulliver a novel a satire a travel book a children book an allegory Satire A common form of the 18th Century, basically the ridiculing of any objects through laughter which will soften the blow TheRead MoreJonathan Swift Essay947 Words  | 4 PagesJonathan Swift 1. Swift wrote A Modest Proposal under a pseudonym, so who is the speaker here? The speaker is a Protestant and a member of the Irish upper class. 2. Discuss the tone of the piece. Pull examples from the text to support your discussion. Swift showed disgust for the people who would rather beg than take care of themselves. He says, â€Å"These mothers instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg sustenanceRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift860 Words  | 4 Pagesinformed to read â€Å"A Modest Proposal†by Jonathan Swift as an assignment for creating annotated bibliographies, I began to develop an interest on how Swift came about the matter of his request into rebuilding Ireland s economy and way of life. I believed that Swift added cannibalizing children to the subject matter to give his proposal a more profound and eye-opening effect, but my readings further piqued my interests on the topic. As a result, I researched Jonathan Swift’s motives and style behind hisRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift Essay836 Words  | 4 PagesIn Jonathan Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, we are exposed to the tim eless issue of homelessness and the state’s role in their social welfare. Swift was a fervent Irish patriot who was disgusted by the flourishing trend of beggars and hungry children that flooded the streets of his beloved country. This topic is relatable as this is a social issue that plagues many countries in the present age. Swift presents a satirical argument in which he proposes Ireland adopt the horrific practices of eating theirRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift910 Words  | 4 Pages1792, Jonathan Swift drafted an essay â€Å"A Modest Proposal†to bring awareness of a particular group of people being mistreated and victimized. Fast forward 284 years later, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†bringing more public awareness of another group of people being mistreated and victimized. Today, 52 years later we are still struggling for human rights and equality; as a result, I feel our country is still just as torn now as it was 286 years ago. Jonathan Swifts â€Å"A ModestRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift1647 Words  | 7 PagesSatire in â€Å"A Modest Proposal†and Different Articles Jonathan Swift, author of â€Å"A Modest Proposal,†tries to present different ideas in order to change the situation of Ireland. Through his proposal, he is able to get people’s attention, and the way he uses satire throughout the article made his argument more successful. He wrote this essay to show how ignored and bad the state of Ireland and its social classes are. In â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, Swift effectively uses rhetorical exaggeration to expressRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift866 Words  | 4 PagesMichael Smith Professor Doyle World Literature II 6 August 2017 A Modest Proposal: Jonathan Swift In Jonathan Swift’s pamphlet â€Å"A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burthen to their Parents, or the Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Publick†is a very controversial pamphlet about the starving people of Ireland. Swift suggests that the parents of the starving children commit cannibalism and sell their children as food. At this time, England’s footholdRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift1340 Words  | 6 PagesA Modest Proposal was written in the year 1729 by the famous satirist Jonathan Swift. In his work he outlines the pros of eating unwanted children of Ireland for economical benefits in a time of great poverty. While the reader can obviously discard the idea of eating children, in his proposal, in a roundabout way, Swift speaks to hard pressing issues of the time. The state of Ireland is well described by Swift in this piece. He speaks of woman who â€Å"instead of being able to work for their honestRead MoreLiterary Analysis : Jonathan Swift1425 Words  | 6 PagesComp. II Oct. 27, 2015 Literary analysis The author I decided to write about is Jonathan Swift for he had a keen sense for effective sarcasm. As Jonathan Swift said â€Å"The proper words in the proper places are the true definition of style.†Though he was known in different ways, he was mostly popularized through his gift in writing, particularly his satire, or his use of humor and irony, essays. Through out swift life, there has been plenty of events where I believe shape the way he was, hence hisRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift1032 Words  | 5 PagesJonathan Swift’s satirical pamphlet, A Modest Proposal, as a way to ironically find a way For the CommonWealth of Ireland to benefit from the starving children. He proposes the idea that an unwanted child should be fattened up then feed to landlords or have their meat sold in the market. In turn curing the nation’s problem of overpopulation and contribute to the economic well-being of the nation. Swift’s satire exploits the fundam ental human function of eating. The need to eat is a driving human
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Event Thessaloniki International Festival -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Event Thessaloniki International Festival? Answer: Introduction Greece is one of fastest growing economies in the Euro zone and it grew at the annual rate of 4.2% as foreign capital flooded in the country. But now it is observed that the growth of the country is continuously diminishing. Greece is facing various financial difficulties and due to financial circumstances, there is the need for borrowing from IMF, European central bank and European Union. Because of the financial crisis, government of the country has to take some tough decisions in order to restructure the economy so that the country can get its prosperity again (Hope, 2017). There are various events and festivals taking place every year in country. These festivals and activities are very helpful for the company to enhance the economic status and prosperity and to achieve appropriate result. There are many events taking place in the country and to enhance the economic value, it is important to organize a mega event in the effective manner. A number of award ceremony events and film festivals are being hosted in Greece throughout the year. This report focuses on the event management of international film festival in which the award ceremony will take place. This festival is to be held in Thessalonika in Greece. This event will be helpful in order to enhance the visits tourists in the country. In the film festival, there will be two types of films which would be screened-featured short films and lengthy films. This report evaluates and explains the objective of the conducted event which would be beneficial for the country. Further, event plan would be designed and venue would be specific for the overall film festival. Along with this, an effective media message would be shaped that will be effective for targeting the audience for the event. This report will also focus on various details of the events i.e. menu activities budget and type of risks in the event. Purpose and objective The film industry is considered as the most autonomous art form and the film festival always include peace, liberty and equality of the country. The objective of this international film festival is to enhance the economy of Greece so that the county can achieve its prosperity again. Along with this, the objective of conducting the event of film festival is to provide the broad platform to the film makers by discussing their diverse work in the event. Along with this, aim of the international film festival is to provide a meeting place for people and audiences so that the tradition, art shape and attractiveness of the country can be enhanced (Lee Goldblatt, 2012). Film festivals are the events for the creation of symbolic, cultural and economic value. The festival provides opportunities for the interchange of symbolic value to economic value. Conducting international film festival enhances the chances of distribution and exhibition. Film festival is helpful in rising funding for the country. So basic objective of conducting the event of film festival is to enhance the value-adding process in Greece and attract various tourists in the country by improving its economic value (Fox, 2015). Benefits Every event consists of some benefits for the society and related audience. Event must have some values that could be beneficial for the people. By conducting the event of international film festival, Country Greece will have some benefits. Those benefits are as follows: Promoting tourism- It is well known that Greece is one of the famous tourist destinations. Due to economic issues, there is the need to attract the tourists in order to gain its prosperity again. International film festival will attract the tourists from both in and out of the country. The film makers and producers will generally travel in all over the world for promoting the screening of their film. Along with this, it will also attract film fans and media professionals (Getz, 2008). Benefits for local merchants- By conducting the event of international film festival, local merchant will be benefited. It is well-known that tourists spend money. Any festival in Greece will attract them. Being a famous tourists destination, tourists will definitely visit in various parts of the country and local merchants will experience a respectable spike in their business. This will also benefit to the economy of the country. Networking- These kinds of festivals give various opportunities to film makers to communicate with other filmmakers, media representatives, supporters and many other professionals. Along with this, the event will also establish mutually beneficial relationships and leads to various collaborative possibilities (Olum, 2004). Benefits of theater- With the arrangements between theater hosting and festival promoters, the theater will enjoy various benefits such as hike in the sales and positive word of mouth of about the venue. Theater will be able to enhance their positive reputations and management. This approach will minimize various issues before they arise. Alternatives considered It is stated earlier Greece is the famous tourist destination but the country is facing some financial difficulties. In order to deal with this situation, it is important to conduct an event that can enhance the prosperity of the country. There are various events that can be conducted for this manner. Potential event can be Hellenic festival, Thessaloniki international film festival, Rockwave Festival, Easter, Acroplis Rally, August Full moon, European music day and Mothers day run etc. These all events are effective in enhancing the prosperity of the country. Out of the list of the events, international film festival is selected. The reason is that the film industry is considered as the most entertaining industry. The international film festival will attract various filmmakers, producers and tourist to visit Greece so that economic value of the country can be enhanced. Along with this, the event of film festival is selected so that film makers and audience can meet a place where the y can share traditions, history and shapes from all over the world (Milohni?, Lesi? Slamar, 2016). Selection process Reason for selecting the event of film festival is discussed above. Film festivals are the important link in the chain of international film culture. Cinema is the most democratic art that uses suitable languages for the audiences. Film festival is helpful in maintaining democracy freedom and peace. Film festival is the exceptional tool to cross the communication channels from the most distant places. Sometimes, event selection process is affected by various factors i.e. media exposure, potential economic impacts, time, available resources and local involvement. The most important critical success factor for selecting an event is the unique process and marketing resources. Research will be undertaken in order to gain a better understanding about the nature and importance of the events along with critical success factors of the event. International film festival is selected because it is important for the ecosystem of the country (Adams Hall, 2015). Film festival can attract the audiences from the community and all around the world. Along with this, the festival is also helpful in enhancing the local economy. The viewers have opportunity to stay connected with the story of the films by experiencing the film firsthand. The setting of the festival allows the audience to share the ideas with the producers, filmmakers and other audience so that new perspective on the films can be opened. This process can give insights to the filmmakers, producers, and distributors. Data will be collected on the nature and objective of the film festival event from conventions. It is found that international film festival is beneficial for the enhancing the economic value of the country. The selection criteria of film festival are based on the economic impact of the event on the country (Motion Picture Association of America, 2017). Project planning and execution For the international film festival, it is crucial is to select a suitable theme in order to attract people and various film makers. So, the theme for the event would be Unity in Diversity. This theme is selected because this film festival will include various films including various small and documentary films and fiction films from the entire world. Along with this, there will be various films that would be screening in the festival that would reveal the theme of this festival. Although there is lots of diversity in all over the world but this film festival will celebrate the variety of culture and this will be represented to the audiences. In the international film festival, individual sections will be provided to the audience so that they can choose that film which would be most appealing to them (Lill, 2015). Feasibility of the event Film industry is the entertaining industry and by this event, country will be able to attract various organizations and government in order to receive financial support from them. The required physical resources for the event will include music, decorative items, stationeries and sound equipments etc. Most of the support staff will be local youth and volunteers. As the result, huge support from organizations will be achieved. (Burgess Kredell, 2016). Venue design Further, next step is to attract the audience by innovative venue selection and design. The venue of this event will be Olympion Theatre, Thessalonika which is the head office of Thessaloniki International Film Festival. The theater has architecturally impressive structure which is built in 1920s in the heart of the city. In this complex, there are two renovated cinemas i.e. Olympion and Pavlos Zannas including two cafes i.e. Foyer and Room with a view. The building of this theater is suitable for various events like theatrical productions, film screenings, music events and various cultural activities. This is the permanent headquarter for the Thessaloniki International film festival. Event design plan In order to manage the event, it is crucial to focus on some essential things i.e. coordination, budget and time. An event cannot be successful without coordination between teams, without sufficient funds and without proper time frame. Although proper and efficient planning for the international film festival has done but there is still need to focus on the time frame and budget for the effective operations in events. Time factor- Time factor has a critical role while planning an event like international film festival. So, it is crucial to set such time which is convenient for the audiences. Generally, people prefer evening time to attend the events so; evening to night time will be preferred for the event. If these things are not followed systematically then event will not be successful and the objective will not be accomplished. So, international film festival will be held in the month of January (De Valck, 2014). Coordination- There is the need of more and more people to conduct an event so; there should be coordination among the team members. Without proper coordination, there is the possibility for conflict because of the lack of communication among the members while planning the events. Along with this, there are various activities which must be completed by different teams. So, it is important for the authorities to coordinate among the team members for event planning successfully. Proper planning at the initial stages includes knowledge sharing, regular meetings and informal outing would be helpful in coordinating among the team members for the successful event. Planning for the international film festival will be designed from last six months (Getz Page, 2016). Budgeting- Further, budgeting and funding is also an important part for the event planning. It is understood that appropriate planning of the budget is helpful to accomplish all the desired activities of the event. So, it is recommended that estimation of the budget will be efficient. By the formulation of the budget, experts will be able to distribute the fund for various activities including infrastructure, lightings, and food arrangements for the guests and salary for the crew members and hosts (Ralston et al, 2007). It is most important to develop an effective and proper event design plan so that event of film festival can run smoothly. There are many processes which would be included in the film festival. Following steps will be included in the event design plan- Planning of festival- This step would include detailed planning of the film festival. The planning will be completed by deciding the budget, invitation and key attractions of the event (Kerzner, 2013). Budget formulation-This is the important part of any event plan. In the budget allocation process, identification of key events of the film festival will be done. In this process, Budget will be decided for various events. Scheduling the event- It is very important to plan effectively in order to conduct the event successfully. In this manner, there is the need to set a schedule for the key events in the festival like sending invitations, recruitment of staff, major objectives of the festival and many others. Recruiting event crew- In this process, key people of the event i.e. directors, critics, producers, audiences and others will be invited. Along with this, setting necessary infrastructure for the event like lights, food, projectors, screen, sofa, chairs, bouncers and others would also be done (Brown, 2014). Promotional activities- Advertising and promotion is the crucial part for any event so that the audience can be targeted. For this event, key focus would be on direct mailing, hoardings, and social media platforms which would be effectively used in order to promote the film event (Meusburger, Funke Wunder, 2009). Launching - This process of the event will be done by screening famous films from various producers and directors. This will be done with the song sequences and dances. Red carpet celebrations- Segregation of festivals will be organized including various catagories. Those catagories will comprise love, laugh, debate, thrill, comedy, suspense and action. Along with this, feature and documentary films will also be take place in the event. After that, special function of giving awards and night ceremony will also take place. Media messages After the planning of international film festival event, it is important to promote the event in order to make it successful. In current time, social media platforms are strong tool to promote the event. It is important to have an effective media message on the social media networks. In order to promote this specific event, Twitter and Facebook will be used as these are the popular social media platform used by people. By using these platforms, audience will be able to achieve all the information related to international film festival (Cetinic, Petric Pranic, 2012). The message on the social media platforms would be related to time, date and venue of the event. The message would be Inviting for International Film Festival to Film and Cinema lovers which would be detained in Olympion Theatre, Thessalonika from 1st January 2019 to 10th January 2019 (Vilhjlmsdttir, 2011). Music has an important role in the organizing and managing any event. It is also crucial to enhance the environment and quality of the event. In the international film festival, mild music will be played in order to entertain the audiences during the gap of the performances and activities. Along with this, the music in the international film festival is selected for the background and that will be selected from the nominated documentaries and movies for the awards. The reason for choosing the music from the nominated movies is that filmmakers, producers and directors will be motivated for doing more valuable work (Wagen, 2005). It is essential section for managing various activities of the events. In this section, different activities will take place which are required to conduct the event of international film festival. It is already decided that the film festival will take place in Olympion Theatre. There are some additional activities in order to manage and organize which are as follows: Planning for different teams- It is very important for various teams to plan and organize the work accordingly. There will be various teams i.e. event product team, marketing team and programming team and these teams are responsible to conduct specific event catering arrangements, decoration and promotion of the event and preparing posters for the event etc (Mawer et al, 2106). Screening films and award ceremony- Under these activities, quick look of various films i.e. animation, documentary, pop promos, television and film records related to creative arts will be shown. This will also includes of award distribution to the nominated actors, producers, directors, and films (Tassiopoulos, 2005). Live performances- This will be the key attraction of overall film festival. In the performance related activity, the performances will be organized in order to promote any specific movie considering performance related concept. Under this activity, film makers and producers will give talk about their movies and related concepts. They will share their ideas and viewpoints about movies i.e. from where they get idea and inspiration to make the film. Further, public will ask their queries about the movies to the directors. Those questions can be related to their current movies or upcoming movie projects. This is main activity of the event of film festival. In this, awards will be distributed to the nominated films based on different criteria i.e. best animation, best actor and supportive actor, best direction, best critic, best negative role and others. The activities of award distribution will be helpful in inspiring the film makers and directors so that they can do best work on films in future. Apart from these activities, there are some activities that will be taking care of by different teams. All the crewmembers will have induction guide for the activities sob that they can be aware of the every kind of emergency in the event. Along with this, there will also be ambulance service in order to minimize the health issues and hazards. Least disturbance of other activities regulations will be followed in the sound system of the event. Budget Budgeting is the important part of a robust planning structure. Budget is helpful for the event managers in spending the amount based on the requirements. Budget of the event must be planned in the visualization and advance of the event. It impact on each factor of the event management and needs to be evaluating on the regular basis. The event of international film festival will be organized on the grand level (Bowdin et al, 2012). So, there is the need of budget planning for the activities so that the event can be operated successfully. The budget plan for this event is as follows: Cost of event Amount (In Euro) Cost for entrance ticket per person 180 x 5000= 900000 Cost for decoration in Olympion Theatre 3000 Promotional activities for event of International Film Festival by social media 800 Various activities including stage arrangement and sound system for dance and live performance 900 Furniture i.e. sofa and chairs for sitting people 1500 Welcome drink and dinner for all guests 2600 x 5= 13000 Salaries for the staff and crew members, jury members and host 1800 Installation screens with their supporting devices 900 Additional cost for other activities i.e. water supply maintenance, emergency services, and ambulance etc. 500 Total cost 9,22,400 Conclusion Greece is the attractive country for the tourists as they go to the country to spend their vacations. During last few years, it is observed that the country is facing economic issues and losing its prosperity. This report is about conducting the event of international film festival. The report focuses on the event management and budget plan for the film festival. The film festival will be the combination of different culture and movies across the world that will be shown in the specific event including the concept of Unity in Diversity. This report covers various activities of this event i.e. venue design, event design, music, menu, theme and other relevant activities. Based on the above discussion, it is observed that the event of international film festival will be held in Olympion Theatre, Greece. The key objective of this film festival is to enhance the economic value of the country and maintain its prosperity among the tourists by inviting them in the event. Further, this film f estival will provide recognition and awards to the producers and film makers for their best work. The recognition and awards will be inspiration for those who are new learner in the field of photography and cinematography. It is stated earlier that the international film festival will be held in Olympion Theatre. The reason for selecting this venue is that this theater can have room for adequate number of people. Along with this, many other activities are organized for the effective management of the event. So, by conduction film festival event, economic value of Greece could be enhanced efficiently. References Adams, R. Hall, S., (2015), Family Film Festival: Academic and Social Interaction outside the Classroom with Retention Benefits: Family Science Review, 20(1) Bowdin, G., Allen, J., Harris, R., McDonnell, I., O'Toole, W., (2012), Events management, UK: Routledge Brown, S., (2014), Emerging Professionalism in The Event Industry: A Practitioner's Perspective, Event Management, 18 (1), 15-24 Burgess, D. Kredell, B., (2016), Nine Positionality and film festival research: Film Festivals: History, Theory, Method, Practice, p.159 Cetinic, L., Petric, L., Pranic, L., (2012), Emerald Article: Host population perceptions of the social impacts of sport tourism events in transition countries: Evidence from Croatia: International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(3), 236-256 De Valck, M., (2014), Supporting art cinema at a time of commercialization: Principles and practices, the case of the International Film Festival Rotterdam: Poetics, 42, pp.40-59 Europa Cinemas, (2016), Greece Olympion (Thessaloniki), accessed on 29th January 2018 from https://europa-cinemas-blog.org/2016/08/25/greece-olympion-thessaloniki/ Fox, M., (2015), Greece won't lose competitive edge: Tourism official, accessed on 29th January 2018 from https://www.cnbc.com/2015/07/14/greece-wont-lose-competitive-edge-tourism-official.html Getz, D., Page, S. 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(2009), Milieus of Creativity, 2, Netherlands: Springer Milohni?, I., Lesi?, K. T., Slamar, T., (2016), UNDERSTANDING THE MOTIVATION FOR EVENT PARTICIPATING A PREREQUISITE FOR SUSTAINABLE EVENT PLANNING: Tourism Hospitality Industry, pp. 204-218 Motion Picture Association of America, (2017), WHY FILM FESTIVALS MATTER, accessed on 29th January 2018 from https://www.mpaa.org/why-film-festivals-matter/ Olum, Y., (2004), Modern Management Theories and Practices, Banking Course Ralston, L. S., Ellis, G. D., Compton, D. M., Lee, J. (2007), Staging Memorable Events And Festivals: An Integrated Model Of Service and Experience Factors: International Journal of Event Management Research, 3(2), 24-38 Tassiopoulos, D., (2005), Event Management: A Professional and Developmental Approach, (2nd), Lansdowne: Juta Academic Vilhjlmsdttir, L., (2011), A documentary film festival circuit and film festivals as field-configuring events, adapting to digitalization, accessed on 29th January 2018 from https://skemman.is/bitstream/1946/10293/3/MAritger%C3%B0.pdf Wagen, L.V., (2005), Event Management: For Tourism, Cultural, Business and Sporting Events, (2nd), Aus: Pearson Education
Arabian Nights Essay Example For Students
Arabian Nights Essay The Arden production of The Arabian Nights should have included a story or two about a Demon like those included in the novel by Husain Haddawy. By including these types of stories they could incorporate magic and demons into the play. There are many interesting ways that they adapter could portray magic and the appearance of demons. The Story of the Merchant and the Demon from the novel tells of this wealthy merchant who travels from town to town selling goods. On one trip he rode for many days and then stopped to rest under a walnut tree. He got something to eat out of his bag and began to throw the pits of the dates left and right. Then this old demon arrived and pulled out his sword to kill the merchant. Asking the demon why he wanted to kill him, the demon replied that the merchant had killed his son when he threw the date pit and it hit him in the head. The merchant began to weep and mourn his family and his wife and children. (Haddawy p.18) He then began to recite verses and after he was finished and stopped crying, the demon said again that he must kill the merchant as the merchant had killed his son. The merchant then begged the demon for time to say his good byes to his family and his wife and his kids. The demon agreed to give the man one year to return only after the merchant swore as God as a witness. When the merchant returned home and told of his troubles to his wife and children they all mourned. He than wrote his will, divided his property, discharged his obligations to people, left bequests and gifts, distributed alms, and engaged reciters to read portions of the Quran in his house. Then he summoned legal witnesses and in their presence freed his slaves and slave-girls, divided among his elder children their shares of the property, appointed guardians for his little ones, and gave his wife her share according to her marriage contract. (Haddawy p. 19) As the year came to an end, the merchant tearfully said his good byes and traveled to the orchard exactly one year later. As he was waiting under the tree for the demon, an old man walked by with a deer and asked why he was sitting in the orchard which is filled with demons and devils. The merchant told the old man his story and the old man was so amazed that he wanted to see what would happen to the merchant. As the two men sat and waited for the demon, another old man walked by with two black hounds and asked what they were doing there. The first old man told his the story of the merchant and the demon. The other man also wanted to see what would happen to the merchant and sat down. Then a third old man walked by and asked, Why do I see the two of you sitting here, with this merchant between you, looking abject, sad, and dejected?(Haddawy p. 21) They told the old man of the merchant and the demon and that they were waiting to see what would happen to the merchant. This man of course wanted to see what the demon would do the merchant and sat down with the three men. Suddenly they saw the demon approaching them with his sword drawn and they began to weep and wail. The first old man with the deer approached the demon and asked, If I tell you what happened to me and that deer, and you find it strange and amazing, indeed more amazing than what happened to you and the merchant, will you grant me a third of your claim on him for his crime and guilt?(Haddiwy p. 22) The demon agreed and the man began to tell his story. .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 , .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .postImageUrl , .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 , .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640:hover , .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640:visited , .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640:active { border:0!important; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640:active , .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640 .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u184f9eba38f60467b7c852711217b640:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Genetics Essay The old man said that this deer was his cousin and he was married to her for thirty years. They could not have a child so he had a son with a mistress. His wife became jealous of his mistress and his son and caste a spell of them. She turned the son into a bull and the mistress into a cow. She then gave them to a shepard who took them out with the other animals. She told her husband that his mistress had died and his son had run away. As the Great Feast of the Immolation approached, the man told the shepard to get a cow for sacrifice. He returned with the mistress that had been turned into a cow and as the husband went to slaughter the cow it began to cry. The shepard then slaughtered the cow and it had no meat or fat. The shepard then brought a bull, the mans son, to be sacrificed and the bull ran at the husband and bowed at his feet. The husband wanted to spare him but his wife insisted, the bull began to cry and rolled at the mans feet until the husband spared him. The next day the shepard came to the man and told him that his daughter knows magic and could tell that the bull was the mans son and the slaughtered cow was the mans mistress. The next day the man asked the shepards daughter to reverse the spell and she agreed to do so only if she could marry his son and could put a spell on his wife. The son became human and the wife was turned into a deer. After hearing this strange story the demon granted the old man one third of the mans life. (Haddiwy p. 24-25)Then the second old man with the two black hounds approached the demon and asked the same of the demon if he told the demon his story about the two hounds. They demon agreed and the old man told his story. The man said that these two hounds are his brothers. When their father died he had left his three sons with money and they each opened a shop. One brother sold his shop and bought goods to trade as he left to travel. One year later a beggar came to the old mans shop and asked for food and clothes. The beggar was told to leave when he asked the shop owner if he recognized him because he was one of his brothers. They old man took in his brother and split his wealth with him. Soon after the second brother sold his shop and went off on a trading journey. He too returned a year later with no money or goods. The old man again split his wealth with his other brother and he opened a shop again. Every year the two brothers would ask the old man if he wanted to go on a trading trip with them but he always refused until finally he agreed. He asked his brothers how much money they had for the trip but they each had squandered all of it. He then sold all of his goods and received six thousand dinars. He brought three thousand with them and buried the other three thousand in the ground for when they return. They traveled to far countries and made a lot of money and upon boarding their ship back; the old man met a girl who asked him to take her with him. He agreed and they married but his brother grew jealous of them and one night they there him and his wife into the sea. His wife turned into a she demon and brought him to an island. She told him that she wanted to kill his brothers but he insisted that she doesnt. She then brings him back to his home and he digs up his money and reopens his shop. .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 , .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .postImageUrl , .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 , .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4:hover , .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4:visited , .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4:active { border:0!important; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4:active , .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4 .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u606eb81eb18531b77542dabc30db8bf4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nutrition Essay On the road he finds these two hounds tied up and she tells him that they are his two brothers and that they will stay like this for ten years. He then told the demon that he was on his way to the she demon with the hounds when he met the merchant. The demon grants his one third of the merchants life. (Haddiwy p. 28-29)Then the third old man approaches the demon and asks of the same if he tells the demon an even more amazing story that the other two old men. The demon agreed and the old man tells of a story that is stranger and more amazing then the first two. The demon was amazed and granted the old man one third of the merchants life. The demon released the merchant and went on his way. The merchant thanked the three old men and they all parted. The merchant then returned to his family and wife and kids. (Haddiwy p. 29)
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